Newsup4u Organization Required Article Writer
JOB Title : Article Writer
Availability : 15 March to 25 December 2020
Location : All over the World
Job Type : Home base job ,Online job , more details are given below
Salary : Based on how much article you write
Job Details
Newsup4u is hiring those people who have good english skill and can write article on any topic.we want people who can write on health ,fitness ,and other social topics .Every Article must be about 1000 can chose topic of article of your own choice.we will pay on per article.If anyone who is interested to do this job and have good english skill to write article then he can contact us by given method below.
you must have to show you skill first just write a 300 words article on any topic and send as on our email which is given below.your skill will decide your salary.
The Article which you write must be unique and plagerism free.You have to write article own your own instead of re-writing of others article.So be careful of coping others article otherwise we will not pay you.
Payment Method
We will pay our writer on weekly basis or daily basis ,we will pay by these methods Easypaisa ,jazzcash ,paypal,payoneer,etc
Contact Details
you contact us here.
Emial :
Send you demo article on this email ,we will respond you as soon as possible.
For more jobs ,in USA,UK , UAE, Saudi Arabia ,Pakistan,, Stay connected with us..and keep visiting this can ask any question in comment section. Thanks
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I want this job
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